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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Battle Realms

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Game Name : Battle Realms
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2002-06-21 01:42:45
Views : 35089

Cheat :
Destroy buildings:
Highlight an enemy building, then press [Ctrl] + D.

Hint :
Hint: Many brothers (Lotus clan only):
Create the 3 brothers (if you have enough Yin or Yang) and send them in the 3 towers. Press [Ctrl] + D at the Crypt Of Brothers. Notice that the brothers are still alive. Build another Crypt Of Brothers until you have more brothers to attack a base.

Hint: Easy Yin gain:
For Lotus, use either Brother Lythis or Tausil and attack a tree in some maps. This will result in a gain of 3 to 5 yin at a time. Build more brothers so you can have more. For Serpent, use the Ronin trained with the Yin Blade/Sword and force fight it with a tree. You must put him beside the tree before enabling the Yin Blade. This will result in a gain 5 to 10 Yin at a time.

Hint: Full life and werewolf (Wolf clan only):
Train a peasant and make it a Berserker. Then, bless it by the Druidness by its lycantrophy. Attack the enemy base with many Berserkers with lycantrophy. When any Berserker has less life, use its ability and it will be at full life and a werewolf.

Hint: More Necromancers (Serpent clan only):
Build a Necromancers Throne and create a Necromancer. Then, get a Ronin with a Blood Bond battle gear. Blood Bond him with the Necromancer, then send the Necromancer up into a Watchtower. Fill up the Necromancers Throne with four more Ronins, then send the Blood Bonded Ronin to the enemy base and see him die. When you look at your Necromancers Throne, you should have a new Necromancer. Repeat this if needed. Note: A Geisha, allied or your own, must be nowhere near the Watchtower.

Hint: More Ninjas (Serpent clan only):
Get enough Yin. Create a Keep. Get four Ninjas. Get four Ronins who have Blood Bond battle gear. Blood Bond each Ronin to a Ninja, then send the Ninjas up the four Watchtowers. Send the Blood Bonded Ronins to the enemy base and watch them die. Notice that the Ninjas are still in the watchtowers and they are regenerating. Click on your keep and summon more Ninjas. Note: A Geisha, allied or your own, must not be near the watchtowers.

Hint: One hit kill for Heroes (Lotus and Serpent clans only):
For Lotus use Brother Lythis or Tausil. For the Serpent, use a Ronin with trained Yin Blade. Collect at least 100 yin points (at least 206 recommended). After collecting the prescribed points, create a Hero. It will kill a unit with one hit, and at requires least ten hits for destroying structures.

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